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“Freedom from Dependency and Codependency: Theory and Practical Solutions”
Published in 2020. The 3th edition in 2023, publisher I.L.Bazenkov.
Received positive reviews, is in high demand, occupies a top position in ratings (N3, Labirint.ru, November 2023).
The book is addressed to psychologists and psychotherapists working with addictive behavior. It may also be of interest to a wide range of readers who want to learn more about the addiction. Includes 4 theoretical chapters:
1. General concept of addiction and codependency.
2. Dependent and co-dependent personality
3. Addiction as a family disease: working with the family.
4. Principles of providing psychological assistance to addicts and their relatives.
And a practical section: 175 exercises for individual and group work. They are divided into 10 thematic chapters: working with feelings, with communication, with boundaries, etc. The exercises are multifunctional and may be of interest to psychotherapists of different backgrounds as a useful tool.
Original language: Russian.
The volume of the manuscript: 620 200 characters with spaces (97 000 words).
Rights are free, except for the Russian language.

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